
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Twittering away....

I have to say, I've been having a lot of poetic fun on Twitter, even with National Poetry Month over. It's not all children's poetry specific - in fact, most of it isn't - but it's not like that really creates a barrier to conversation: it's poetry! Plus, Twitter's how I ran across this Lewis Carroll poem. Oooh. Who wants to take up that form as a poetry prompt?

A bunch of us have been chatting every Thursday night (9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific, with details here), and poet/novelist Colin Kelley put together a great list of poets on Twitter, so I've met even more cool folks.

There are also great lists of YA authors on Twitter, picture book authors on Twitter and even a new list of middle grade authors on twitter.

If you're tweeting, I hope you'll find me on Twitter or let me know here, cuz it's not like I'm going anywhere. I'm just saying there's good times to be had! Although right now, I must admit sleep sounds like the best time of all right now, so I gotta book....


  1. OMG - that Carroll poem!!!!!!! I'm going to have to give that a try. Though my head might explode trying to do it.

    Not brave enough for Twitter yet. Or maybe I'm just waiting for someone to invent a 28-hour day so I can find some more time....


  2. A few more hours in the day would be quite nice, indeed. And if I had them, I'd definitely try a stanza square poem. Definitely.

    I look forward to seeing your poem, though!
