
Monday, May 25, 2009

A Question and a Tease

This morning at around 7:00 AM, the helicopters started circling. Sounds dramatic, I know, but in this case it was nothing more than the L.A. Marathon beginning. I've spoken with many folks who've run marathons, so I understand that desire... but I started to wonder if there are any good books for kids on the topic of marathons, either the history or compelling individual stories, or...? I came up with none on my own, but if y'all know of any, I'd love to hear about 'em!

As for the tease... I'm excited because Wednesday, Charles Ghigna returns to GottaBook with some poetry AND a poetry "prompt" and/or teaching idea. It's been a long time since I've had one of those here at GottaBook, and I'm really looking forward to it (plus I'd read Charles Ghigna's poetry any day!). I hope to see you all then!


  1. I have a friend at work who does marathons and half-ironmans. I'll ask him if he knows of any.

  2. I work at Center School which is locate directly on the Hopkinton town common. Which happens to be where the Boston Marathon begins. And I cannot find many books (at least for the age level of our students [K & 1]) that address marathons. I have one Geronimo Stilton, "The Mouse Island Marathon" and "Pellie runs a marathon". So if you learn of any others please share your findings.
