
Friday, May 15, 2009

A Perfect Game - a baseball poem/a father-son poem

Gregory K.

Tonight we’re at a baseball game:
The minors (double A).
But I don’t care! it’s me and Dad -
My siblings stayed away!
My soda couldn’t be more flat.
My Cracker Jacks taste old.
The peanut vendor never came.
My hot dog caught a cold.
But Dad and I are having fun.
In fact, it’s quite a blast.
We’re talking, laughing, telling tales
As innings move on past.
He tells my why he loves the game,
Each hit, each out, each run.
I tell him why I don’t like math.
He says "Like Dad, like son."
I tell him that I had a crush,
How weak it made my knees.
He tells me how he met my mom
And when to try a squeeze.
I ask about a stolen base
And why folks like to dance.
He tells me tales of baseball greats
And all about romance.
Dreams, home runs, and silly jokes –
They all come up, and more.
Tonight we’re at a baseball game...
And we’re not keeping score.

If you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Also, it's Poetry Friday! Kelly Polark is hosting over at her blog, and you can click here for the roundup post. Go on over and check out what else is going on, poetically, in the Kidlitosphere today....


  1. A very sweet Father's Day poem. Here's to the best games, where no one keeps score.

  2. Delightful poem! A special time for father and son!

  3. I love this one, Greg!! Thanks for sharing it. And to anyone else reading, it's definitely worth signing up to receive these poems by email. I don't know when I'll get to my regular blog reading today, but this poem brightened up my inbox.

  4. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Love it...and so spot on about what spending time together is all about.

  5. Love the not keeping score. Sweet!

  6. Thanks, y'all. I find I can write about baseball (and other sports, actually) a whole heckuva a lot. Glad others see that they're not just poems about the sports specifically!

  7. Just delightful! Don't see enough of such father-son stuff. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Nice ending.

    Violet (Book Brew)

  8. Anonymous7:19 AM

    This reminded me that I've been wanting to call *my* dad about catching a Red Wings game sometime soon...

  9. Very nice poem! :)

  10. Nice poem! Thanks!
