
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Thanks! Day one of 30 Poets/30 Days was...

... a rousing success! Extra thanks to those who commented at the blog, sent email, linked in, and Twittered #poetry and #kidlit, and super extra thanks to all those who shared Jack Prelutsky's poem with a child! It's really such a thrill to see thousands of people come read poetry. So to all of you who have helped spread the word... I think I can speak on behalf of all the poets in 30 Poets/30 Days in saying "thanks!"

Did I mention how fun it is to see people talking poetry? It is! Whether it's at or at Elaine's always fabulous Wild Rose Reader, you can find links to so much information... and at Elaine's blog you can WIN POETRY BOOKS during April. I won a J. Patrick Lewis book last year from Elaine, and I hope to win again this year.

There is so much more going on in the Kidlitosphere, too, including one very different type of poetry project -- at Lynn Hazen's Imaginary Blog, they're talking bad poetry. Say what? Go check it out. I mean really... any poetry contest that has National Book Award Winner M. T. Anderson as one of the past winners and has Fuse #8 Betsy Bird in the hot seat now simply has to be worth a look.

I could link all night, but I gotta book. Coming up soon... Rebecca Kai Dotlich's Midnight Stray! See ya then.


  1. Yo, bro, great stuff!

    Here's a link to see Twitter discussions of poetry, kidlit, and national poetry month. We've also been keeping the Tweeting points updated with examples to check out.

    I've been writing a series called "Lessons from Skittles for poets and activists" on The Seminal, talking about how poets, activists, and anybody else without a lot of money can use Twitter for buzz creation and connecting with people. What rhymes with Skittles? talks about 30 Poets/30 Days. The conclusion: everybody knows: fun rules.

    So I hope everybody else is having fun with this as well. Looking forward to the next poem!


  2. I'm trying to popularize National Poetry Month at the school where I teach, and was looking for a good poem to read over the announcements yesterday. Luckily I stumbled upon this blog, and I read Prelutsky's poem to the entire middle school yesterday afternoon. I'll be stopping back by again! Thanks. :)

  3. Anonymous7:44 AM

    It's so cool you are preaching the power of poetry in a time when the news is reporting a lack of poetry loving. You are proving them wrong.
    mister super poetry powered dude.

