
Friday, April 03, 2009

Poetry, poetry, poetry!

First off, another big thanks to all of you who have been coming on by and reading... and extra thanks to those who've left comments, linked in, told friends, sent me email, and in general made the last three days a blast.

I want to urge you all again to go check out the Poetry Friday roundup hosted over at Amy Planchak Graves' I had said I'd be talking about other poetry fun going on in the Kidlitosphere, and I will... but that roundup post will keep you (and me!) busy all weekend! Yowza.

Outside of the children and teen poetry realm, there's also a ton going on, of course. I wanted to point out 30 in 30 - a collection of Canadian poets reading their work aloud. I really love the use of podcasting as another way of getting poems out there. So if you like poetry for adults, too, go on and check it out.

It's going to be a great, poetic weekend here, and I'll see you shortly with an X. J. Kennedy poem for your Saturday (and beyond!)

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