
Monday, April 20, 2009

Hither and thither....

April just keeps on tick, tick, ticking by. There's poetry galore here (scroll down, in fact, and you'll likely see some or just click here to see a bunch), and all sorts of great stuff flying around the web. For example...

I wanted to take a moment to celebrate another book release: Thalia Chaltas' Because I am Furniture - a novel in poems. The book just came out last week to rave reviews, and as if that wasn't enough for one month, Thalia started blogging, too. I hope you go on off and check out the blog, site, and book....

Once you've done that, a trip to Elaine's Wild Rose Reader will get you tons of poetry resources, great poetry, reviews, and even a chance to win some poetry books. Good times, indeed. And finally, from the it's not poetry, but it's really funny category: Saints and Spinners is announcing the winners of the Unnecessary Children's Book Sequels Contest this week. So far, we know that Where the Wild Things Aren't didn't win (but made me laugh anyway).

There's not enough time to read or link to all the great stuff in the Kidlitosphere, and I really gotta book, so I'll just point to my blogroll over on the right (and down) and suggest a trip to 'em all. Enjoy!

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