
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tomorrow's the big day!

Yes, tomorrow launches the first ever 30 Poets/30 Days, and I'm pretty darn excited about that. It also launches National Poetry Month, Mathematics Awareness Month, and is April Fools' Day. And...

For Kenn Nesbitt (a 30 Poets participant and the man behind the fab Poetry4Kids), April 1 also happens to be the launch date of his new book, My Hippo Has the Hiccups: And Other Poems I Totally Made Up! I hope you find a way to help him celebrate his big day. Maybe follow him on Twitter and say "congrats!"

Looking forward to tomorrow and a new Jack Prelutsky poem to kick things off hereabouts. Hope to see you then!


  1. Some of you may have seen an earlier version of this post wherein I was completely wrong about Kenn's birthdate. Consider this a "retraction"!

  2. Thanks, Greg! Can't wait! That's a mighty list of poets you've got. April sure is awesome.
