
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

30 Poets/Countless Thanks... and more!

It's been a fun couple days for me since the 30 Poets/30 Days announcement, I must say. Besides enjoying the fact that I no longer had to keep quiet about the event, it's also been really gratifying to see that other people are as excited as I am about how much fun April is going to be (throughout the Kidlitosphere!).

I want to take another opportunity to thank all the poets for jumping into this with me, and I also want to thank all of you who have been helping spread the word about this fun, freeeee project via links on blogs and by emailing me ideas. I've had a great time reading some blogs that were totally new to me (Mental Multivitamin, for example) and spent hours clicking around blogrolls. I've once again wondered how Melissa Wiley has time to blog so wonderfully, write books, parent her brood, AND coin the word Kidlitosphere. I've again been inspired to write poetry by Robert Lee Brewer's Poetic Asides. And I can't wait to read Tricia's Poetry Makers series. (Perhaps I can bribe her with a Lee Bennett Hopkins or Linda Sue Park or Jack Prelutsky poem???)

There are many more folks to thank (Camille! Sondra! Adrienne! Cheryl R.! Cheryl K.! Lee!), and I'll be doing so all month, I'm sure. And I'm so excited about the days to come... but for now, I gotta book.

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