
Monday, February 23, 2009

My blog is mad at me!

I missed my blogoversary. It was Saturday, and GottaBook celebrated its third anniversary. Are there appropriate gifts like there are for people's wedding anniversaries? "Third blogoversary gift is a new template". Anyway, happy belated. I'd note that today is exactly three years since the first poem I posted (which I will do as a re-issue this poetry Friday to celebrate).

My blog and I are actually quite excited these days. You see, it's almost April and National Poetry Month. This year, we're gonna be doing something new here... and I'm incredibly excited. What is it? I'm a tease. You'll know soon enough, but as always, you'll all be a part of it.

Thanks for three great years....


  1. A belated happy blog birthday, Greg! I think celebrating on the anniversary of your first poem is quite fitting.

  2. This is a serious issue, Greg. We're going to have to dig around Hallmark sites to figure out exactly WHAT one does get ones blog for that crucial third year...

    Happy Belated! Interested to see what goes on here in April. Already hearing murmurings of other plans afoot elsewhere. It's going to be a great celebration.

  3. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Greg, happy 3rd to you and GottaBook. The blogosphere is a better place with y'all in it.

  4. Happy Third Blogaversary! Looking forward to Poetry Month!

  5. Ooh! I too have a super secret poetry project already underway for April. Can't wait to see what you're cooking up!

    Happy blogiversary!

  6. Yay!!!

    I was going to say, your blog doesn't look a day over 2 and a half, but I'm thinking blogs are like kids - you wanna be older faster, I suppose just UNTIL you hit 21 years, and then you want to slow down the clock!!!

    Happy Blogaversary, you big 3 year old you!


  7. I think the third anniversary is a new widget, but celebrate however you like. Happy Blogaversary!

  8. Happy Birthday Gottabook!
