
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I'm just saying....'s not always a bad thing to live in LA. After hearing Just One More Book's great interview with Neil Gaiman last week, I got a second dose of Gaiman-ness, if such is a word, this week: an invite to a Coraline screening this weekend. Oooooh. I said yes, of course. I shall report back, but thought I'd made at least a few of you a tad jealous beforehand. I know... give, give, give, that's all I do!


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Green with envy over that Coraline invite.

  2. Great karma this week ... congrats on the recognition in the Guardian.

  3. Ooh! I AM jealous! I'm planning to see Coraline tomorrow night, but of course, I'm paying for my own ticket. Having just moved to LA, I'm hoping that you're right, and it's not always a bad thing to live here!

  4. Just saw the movie last night!! GREAT visuals in 3D--thanks for the heads-up about that!!

    Now, what's this about the Guardian??
