
Monday, January 26, 2009

A modest proposal...

Ya know, I think I've got a solution for the economic woes of the country, and I suspect many parents of school age children will say "Well, duh! Of course!" when I tell you my idea.

The government should sell wrapping paper as a fundraiser.

Seriously, if we all bought just a couple rolls... well... not only would our money go straight to the federal coffers, but we'd also all need to buy gifts to put inside the wrapping paper! It's a win-win scenario.

I do see one potential problem, though. We'd probably ask other nations to buy wrapping paper from us, but they might be selling it, too... and we'd feel obligated to buy from them. But these are details I'll leave to others to sort out....


  1. Okay, that made me laugh. I'm so sick of the wrapping paper fundraiser - I have more stupid paper than I could ever use.

  2. After this year of being PTA prez at my son's Middle School is over, I never, ever, ever, ever want to even think about another &^$#ing fundraiser again.

    I mean . .. . um . . . well . . .
    Thank you, but I don't really need any paper today.

    Or maybe I should just say . . . I'm no longer paper-trained.

  3. Aaaargh!!!

    Seriously, one of the reasons I was glad to escape to the UK was to miss my younger sibs -- and their friends -- with these wrapping paper sales!!!
