
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Shelved at last. Shelved at last.

Library two is shelved at last!

Hard to believe we're pushing into November and just now getting the second library open, but there was construction and provisioning and lots an lots of dust. Oh, and books. But intrepid volunteers have taken care of that and today we're thaaaaaat close to opening.

We have books, too, thanks to parental donations (and some from y'all!) and cannibalizing from our existing library. We have celebrity books (Carville, Foxworthy, the Barber brothers), quirky gems, and a Joyce Carol Oates' picture book. I think we're ready. Though it would be nice to have some of these titles, too.

This is one of many projects that's had me in blog-lite mode. All are actually progressing, so I remain lite... but I'm blogging every day in spirit!


  1. Congratulations, Greg! I think what you're doing is important, and a lot more lasting than a few blog posts.

  2. Yes, take the time to finish it and I'll be looking forward to your blog posts when you do.

    If you need a break, take a peek at the latest Scratching Log ( ) "The Named Are Being Twits Again...

  3. Congrats. Hopefully you'll be getting a few more (sans Reeses, I'm afraid)!

  4. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Woo hoo to a new library! When I get cranky because I feel like I don't have enough resources to get things done here in my library, I try to think on how much you're managing to get done with so little there.

  5. It is, as they say, "a good thing." It proves how much can be accomplished by stubborn, likeminded, creative folks. But it is also trying and tiring at this point. Still, when the kids actually start filing in, that part all fades away....
