
Friday, November 21, 2008

A poetry re-issue: Thankful

It seems like a mighty fine time to dust off a Thanksgiving poem (originally posted right here)....

Gregory K.

You ask me what I'm thankful for....
I hope I don't sound jerky,
But I'm really, truly thankful that I wasn't born a turkey!

And why not go check out the Poetry Friday collected links over at author and readergirlz diva Holly Cupala's Brimstome Soup? You'll be glad you did....

If you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Gregory,

    There's nothing wrong with recycling poems we've posted previously at our blogs. I do it at Wild Rose Reader.

    Here's to your "jerky turkey" poem--and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  2. I'm thankful turkeys don't like Reeses! ;-)

  3. I'm thankful that you recycled this one, because I haven't seen it before. Thanks for the laugh -- my kids enjoyed it!

  4. I think I'll recite that as a little prayer to begin our Thanksgiving dinner this year. Shared food and laughter - always nice together. Thanks, Gregory!

  5. Love it! Will have to share it with my children.

  6. You are such a clever fellow. Love this turkey poem.

  7. This would be the perfect poem to accompany the video of Sarah Palin being interviewed while turkeys were slaughtered behind her!
