
Thursday, November 06, 2008


Things are busy here in GottaBook land, so let this serve as a heads up that posting is potentially sporadic for a few weeks here. This doesn't mean I won't be posting. For all I know I'll be posting every day as random thoughts occur. But it also means I might not and that the silence has no major, hidden meaning (though I should also note that my Halloween stash of Reese's has gone to nil, and that can cause me to become withdrawn and moody. But I get over that!).

Now, watch me end up posting three times a day now that I've blogged this....


  1. Anonymous5:33 AM

    That's exactly what I always do: announce I'm pulling back and then find myself writing three posts a day.

    Enjoy your semi-hiatus!

  2. You got Reeses? Not a one on our end. I'm bummed too, 'cuz DH doesn't like them and Catherine is allergic. DRAT!

    I just sent 71 pounds of books to you. It's not chocolate, but it is its own nirvana!

  3. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I am so sorry about the Reese's. The same thing is happening with the Peanut M&Ms here, even though I put them WAY at the bottom of the candy bowl where I thought the children wouldn't look. I comfort myself with the thought that there's always next year.

  4. I had baby ruth was tough. Reeses rocks too. I didn't get any of those this year:(
    If I send you some reeses will that give you the superpower energy to post some more?
