
Monday, October 06, 2008

Funny, political, good read-aloud

Yup -- if I were taking out a personal ad for books right now, I'd be looking for a picture book that covers voting, or American history, or politicians... was a good read-aloud... and definitely has humor in it. I could give on the latter. Fiction or non-fiction or a combo, it's all good.

Lane Smith's John, Paul, George, and Ben is a great example. Duck for President, too. And...?

Inquiring minds want to know!


  1. It's a little long, but I like The Ballot Box Battle by Emily Arnold McCully, and for the subject matter I like Papa's Mark about a Black man who learns to read and write his name from his son so he can go vote for the first time in history. That is by Gwendolyn Battle-Levert.

  2. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Dunno if this is what you're looking for, but George Washington's Cows is a major favorite of ours. By David Small.

    Hmm, also Ruby Mae Has Something to Say.

    So You Want to Be President--am too lazy to look up the author, but my kids adore this book, even my older ones.

  3. Anonymous8:54 AM

    George Washington's Teeth by Deborah Chandra, Madeleine Comora, and Brock Cole is funny, funny, funny.

    LaRue for Mayor by Mark Teague is also funny and gets into some of the perhaps less appealing aspects of political campaigning.

  4. Lane Smith's Madam President got great reviews and all the bloggers I read loved it (and I thought it was pretty funny)...but I've had it on my new shelf for over a month now and IT HASN'T CHECKED OUT ONCE. Oh well.

  5. These are great! Thanks, y'all....

  6. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I didn't really love Madam President, but it fits the bill, maybe.

    There's also If I Ran For President by Catherine Stier

  7. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Grace For President, by the awesome Kelly DiPucchio.

  8. OOoh - Melissa is right - Ruby May is a great book!

    Another brand new one is Nikki Giovanni's Lincoln and Douglass: An American Friendship. Tells the story of Lincoln and Fredrick Douglass - with illustrations by Bryan Collier. yay!

  9. Christopher for President -- a groovy 1970s examination of the three branches of government and the electoral process!
