
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Flashback, children's literature variety

For absolutely no discernible reason, today I began reciting a "jingle" from a Homer Price story (by Robert McCloskey). A Homer Price story that I last read... oh... maybe when I was 10? I'm in Hollywood and 29, of course, but even so that's a long time ago. Anyway, the point is that here I was, working away when suddenly I'm saying "Punch, brothers, punch with care!" And I said more than that, but I don't want it to get stuck in YOUR head the way it did all those years ago with me.

Sure, it could be my weird brain chemistry that made me flash back to Homer. But instead, I think it was multiple readings of the Homer Price stories long, long ago... books I loved that sank in and even now can come back up at any time (such as whenever I see a donut machine).

What about you? Any children's literature flashbacks for you (whether you're younger or older than my 29 years!)?


  1. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Yep. In fact, I posted about it just last week. It was a sudden resurgence of something from Lewis Carroll. Right now, all I can think of is "The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things . . . "

    But I'm pretty sure last week it was "will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you join the dance?"

  2. "I must, I must, I must increase my bust!"

  3. Every now and again (usually with money matters), I remember Jamie in From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler saying, "Income, Claudia, income!" while standing in the fountain.

  4. I'm always having those sorts of flashbacks, Mr. G. Homer Price and those donuts that keep coming down that little chute have stayed with me for nearly 40(!) years. And I still find myself reciting these first lines from Horton: "On the fourteenth of May, in the Jungle of Nool, in the heat of the day, in the cool of the pool..."

  5. Just the odd, random phrase like "apple trees dancing in the moonlight" from The Little House, or any Sandra Boynton board book from my children. Loved Homer Price; it's not a bad memory to have!
