
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Hold the bus!!!

For a few of you, I suspect the above title will spark an immediate pop-culture reaction: you'll imagine four costumed characters running around crazily, bonking into each other and anything else in their path with great zeal. For the rest, lemme just cut to the chase: I'm talking about the Banana Splits!

Why, you might ask? Well, because not terribly long ago, I was lucky enough to be involved in writing some new material for the Splits -- a slew of one to two minute interstitial skits. And now, I'm pleased to say, it's coming out all over the place: the Splits' website, Cartoon Network, and Boomerang for starters. There's even a new album coming out (the Splits, lest you forget, were and are a band (performing in Myrtle Beach, by the way)).

It's pretty fun and funny stuff, I say with bias. And since I know at least a few of you who watch TV with your kids... some of you might even run into one or two of the skits I wrote. I know I'll be watching....


  1. I was in the Banana Splits club when I was a kid. I wonder if my membership is still valid?

  2. I'm sure it's valid... but why not refresh and renew and sign up again! Celebrate the new Splits, I tell ya. And get online goodies, at that.

  3. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Read about this in the L.A. Times and thought of you. Yay to their return, and to your stuff getting onto my TV.
