
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Collectively we are... what?

I'm heading off to Portland tomorrow for the second annual Kidlitosphere conference, and there I'll meet many, many bloggers. So I was wondering what the collective term for bloggers might be. Flock of seagulls, herd of cows, murder of crows... we know them. But what about a web 2.0 collective?

A bunch of bloggers?
A cacophony of bloggers?
A glob of bloggers?

Whatcha think? Any and all suggestions welcome!


  1. The bunch/cacophony/glob of us who are meeting in Columbus tomorrow will ponder this needed terminology and get back to you!

  2. We'll miss you in Portland, Mary Lee, but I do hope all you Columbus-ians come up with a great term!

  3. Anonymous12:12 AM

    A Google of bloggers?...
