
Monday, August 04, 2008

Blogging the SCBWI Conference

OK, I haven't been... and I'm still not, even though I had plans to do so. But I've just been having too much fun listening, learning, hanging out, relaxing, and enjoying myself. But lotsa folks ARE blogging from the Conference. So if you're looking for info, you can search or start off over at Alice Pope's CWIM blog (where CWIM stands for Children's Writer's and Illustrator's Marketplace of which she is the editor).

Go on. Read. Pretend you're there with us. And since I'm out the door, I'll pretend I'm seeing you there soon!


  1. It was GREAT meeting you!

  2. Nice meeting you, too. And as I said on your blog, belated congratulations!!! VERY cool, indeed.
