
Saturday, July 26, 2008


Hmmm. I love the searches that end up leading people here, as y'all know. I so often wish I could speak to the searchers -- sometimes to give them answers to their queries and sometimes to ask for the story behind the search. This one falls into the latter category. I mean really... wouldn't you like to know why someone searched for

related literature of acceptability of fish meatloaf

I like to think they were at a diner part and were fed same. They found some literature about it, saying it was in fact NOT acceptable, but didn't want to take one source as the truth.

But I could be making that up :-)


  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    fish meatloaf is totally acceptable 'round here, but then again, I live in a township where nearly 40% of the population is Jewish. And gefilte fish is essentially fish meatloaf. So. . .

    What a weird search. Weirder still that it led to you.

  2. Sounds like a book - Where Your Search Leads. You fishy meatloaf guy.

  3. Oh, that was probably just me looking for yet another well-written fish meatloaf recipe.

  4. Ahh, Kelly, I remember when my great uncle caught a particularly large gefilte (though you shoulda seen the one that got away!) and we loafed for a week....

    I like the way you think, Sarah!

    And Lisa, if you need a fish meatloaf recipe, just call. You know that!

  5. Hilarious. I love the random searches too. That one reminds me of a saying we have in our house: "I always defer to you in matters of fish psychology." Can't even remember how it got started exactly, just that a bowl of cioppino was involved.

    Cheers! Have fun at SCBWI! We're really bummed to be missing it this year. Home on deadlines instead :-(
