
Friday, June 06, 2008

A Gift for Dad -- a Father's Day poem/a poem for dad/a poem for fathers

Gregory K.

My family plays lots of games, and sometimes I feel bad –
No matter what, from sports to chess, I always beat my dad!
I know he’s trying really hard in every game we play.
I see the glimmer in his eye... but things just go my way.
Sure, he never moans or whines. I’ve never seen him crying.
But I’m afraid if this keeps up, then one day he’ll stop trying.
And so today, I have a plan (although he’ll never know it),
When we play games, I’ll let him win!
I hope he doesn’t blow it.

As you ponder whether this is a Father's Day poem, a father's birthday poem, a poem for Dad on any day, or all of the above, why not check out this week's Poetry Friday roundup over at just another day of Catholic pondering?

If you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    As a father, I cannot imagine what you are driving at here. Nooooo. Nope!

    Nice one. And happy Father's Day to you (in advance)

  2. This is the most hilarious poem ever! I LOVE IT!!!

  3. To my mind one and all ought to look at this.
