
Monday, June 16, 2008

Books. No... I mean it.

It's flashback time again for me, dealing with stocking up a whole new library. You'd think there'd be ample state funds... programs galore... library starter kits every which way you turn. But no. And in tough economic times, I suppose, a library (as opposed to a classroom library) might be looked on as a 'bonus' or some such. Feh. I don't think I coulda spoken as passionately as I can after three years volunteering, but a library surely has the potential to be a wonderful, wonderful, necessary place.

And so, with our school year winding down, I can turn my attention to making sure we open up the school year with books aplenty. I look forward to it. But if you hear me whine this summer, cut me some slack, cuz building a collection with no money just isn't easy no matter how passionate you are!


  1. I've got some Cybils books and a few review books that I don't need in my teaching. It's not much, maybe 10-20 new (07 and 08) books, but I'm happy to send them your way it you'd like them. Right now they're just collecting dust on my shelf. I'd much rather have them read! (I can and do donate to a local school, but sending them off to LA is so much more exotic!)

  2. Oh, we'd love 'em! Kind donations like yours are likely the only way we get anything even relatively recent. I'll shoot you an email so you can learn how to send your books to Hollywood!
