
Thursday, May 01, 2008

April poems bring May... uh... well...

I guess I'll have to see what happens in May before I can answer that, but I suspect it won't rhyme.

Posting poems here is a lot of fun, and it's also occasionally instructive. I love feedback, but it's not that I post here to workshop poems, per se. Still, it's always clear when a poem really connects, because it inspires more comments and emails than normal (though I've also learned that a paucity of comments or emails doesn't translate to a 'bad' or 'weak' poem).

Also, as always, I learn a lot about my own take on what I've written -- as when I paste a poem in but then hesitate too long before actually publishing the post. That long hesitation always leads to not putting the poem out in public. This month there are six poems sitting in a folder because for some reasons (some I know, but some I haven't yet discerned) they didn't make the cut at the last minute. For all I know, of course, those poems would've been somebody's favorites of the month... but they weren't mine, and it's my blog!

Again, thanks to all for hanging around and reading....

1 comment:

  1. I have loved having a poem in my inbox every day. Thank you for this. It has been a treat.
