
Friday, April 04, 2008

Bubble Wrap -- a bubble wrap poem

Gregory K.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Snap! Snap! Snap!
We just got some bubble wrap!

Snap! Snap! Pop! Pop! Joy! Joy! Joy!
It’s not wrapping. It’s a toy!

Pop! Snap! Pop! Snap! Pop! Pop! Pop!
Never, ever gonna stop!

Pop! Pop! Snap! Snap! Fun! Fun! Fun!
Squish. Oh. Squish. No!
All done.

I'm posting an original poem each day in April in celebration of National Poetry Month. Links to this and other poems here on GottaBook (and I post all year round, because poetry is NOT just for April!) are collected over on the right of the blog under the headline "The Poems".

If you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

And... it's Poetry Friday, and Becky has the roundup. Poetry Friday in National Poetry Month! You know it's gotta be good....


  1. I am really enjoying your poems Greg. This is just the kind of joy my boys love!

  2. Very cute -- my kids will totally appreciate this one. And, I have to confess, I love bubble wrap, too. :-) Have you ever seen this:

    virtual bubble wrap

  3. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Good one, Greg!

  4. Great poem, Greg! Really captures the feeling. :)

  5. Anonymous4:55 PM

    came by to say hello... found yr site via fibbin... love the format.. thanks for the comment on 30 poems/days... i am enjoying the ridge.. now this bubble wrap... yes, cannot stoppppppp... enjoyable

  6. Yes, Karen... I love the virtual bubble wrap! There's also a newish toy in Japan (blogged about here that's an electronic bubble popping device. Not quite the same to me, but still shows that the bubble wrap's appeal is pretty wide reaching!

  7. Gregory,

    Who can resist bubble wrap? Once, when my daughter was little, we had a huge sheet of it on the basement floor. I loved to hear the sound of SNAPS and POPS as she danced around on it. Great subject for a poem!

  8. "A classic for all ages!! This is inspired fun!" --rhcrayon magazine
