
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Poetry in your inbox?

So, I know there are many folks who subscribe to various feeds of GottaBook. And I know there's many of you out there popping in on a regular basis. (And thanks!). But now I'm offering something new: you can subscribe to my new Google Group and get every poem I post on the blog emailed to you. Yup, just the poetry (including Oddaptations and also, I suppose, any hugely important announcements) but not the other blog posts. Hey, I still want you reading every day, but since I'm doing 30 original poems starting April 1st, I'd love to spread the poetic joy. So, I hope you'll sign up and tell your friends and enemies to sign up, too. And most of all... ENJOY!

Google Groups
Subscribe to Gregory K's GottaBook Poetry Group and get all his new poems mailed to you as they hit the blog.


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