
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Gearing up!

Yes, though you can't see behind the scenes (behind the screen?) at GottaBook, there's work being done on this end as National Poetry Month draws near. What 30 poems of the day will be on the blog? Will there even be 30 or will I fall short? And what other (if any) surprises should happen hereabouts in April?

It's busy, I tell ya! Bizzzzzeeeee. But that's good....


  1. Poetry Month again? Didn't we just do that?

    I'll be looking forward to whatever you have in store for us.

  2. Anonymous8:53 PM

    What's your secret? How do you come up with a poem a day? WEEKS go by and if I'm lucky a line comes to mind and if I'm luckier still I can find a pen and paper wherever I am. I would LOVE to be as prolific as you!
    -Monique Ruiz

  3. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Something to look forward to!
