
Friday, February 01, 2008

Mulling on Poetry Friday

Yes, I'm in a thinking mode today. See, it's two months to the day until National Poetry Month begins. The past two years, I've posted a poem a day during April (all of which are still on the blog, by the way, with links collected over on the right hand side). And now I'm mulling... this year, too? Yes, I enjoy it, but it's 30 poems, and I don't want them to stink, ya know? So... to post or not, that is the question. Thoughts and ideas always welcome.

And while you mull, too, why not head over to Karen Edmisten's blog and check out today's Poetry Friday roundup. It's like National Poetry Month in one post... or something like that.


  1. It *is* like a month in a post. And the arm tires of linkiness, but it's a good kinda tired.

    That's the only thing trouble with Poetry Friday ... too much good stuff in one place, and some gems get overlooked every week -- I just know it ....

  2. Stinky poetry smells better in a crowd, Greg -- there's a NaNoWriMo and a NaBloPoMo, so why not head up NaPoPoMo?

    I can't guarantee that I'd participate in National Poetry Posting Month, but I'd sure as heck say "NaPoPoMo" a lot.

  3. Gregory,

    Like you, I'm entertaining the same thought: Should I...could I post a poem day at Wild Rose Reader in April? I really don't want to post "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad" poetry.

  4. Anonymous12:23 PM

    anyone willing to write poetry earns extra praise from me anyway..whether you think it good, bad or indifferent...
    how about posting your own bits and pieces when the spirit moves you and on the days during the month when it doesn' some of your personal favorites (or link us to them--those copyright issues you know!) it contemporary or classic? I for one would enjoy seeing what inspires a creator!
