
Thursday, February 14, 2008

I "heart" the Cybils

Break out the box of candy and the red hearts -- it's Cybils Day! Yes, the winners have been announced this morning and the list is right here. Unsurprisingly, it looks like a great list of books.

In the Poetry category, in which I was a judge, we chose Joyce Sidman's remarkable This Is Just to Say: Poems of Apology and Forgiveness. A fuller blurb is over on the Cybils site, but I'd just say that it was a fantastic, funny, inspiring, and emotionally powerful collection of poetry for children (and their adults!). You'd do well, I'm sure, checking out all the winners, but if you're a poetry fan, you really must go find This Is Just to Say.

It was a real privilege (and challenge) judging for the Cybils this year. And now that it's done, it's time to start reading this year's books so I can think of nominees for next year.

1 comment:

  1. Great judging with you, Greg. You added a lot to the discussion, and I'll talk poetry with you anytime!
