
Friday, January 18, 2008

Poetically late!

I don't know what that means, exactly, other than I'm claiming "poet's rights" to being a flaky artist and getting around to things late. But, well, I'm late with a link to today's Poetry Friday roundup hosted over at the Farm School.

Now, for those of you who don't know Becky's blog, I highly, highly, highly recommend you click beyond the roundup and get a good taste of things over there. And I don't just say that cuz she was the first person to email me from my blog. Nope. I say that cuz it's mighty fine reading!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I was?! Aw shucks, and all those nice words!

    I am horribly, terribly ashamed for reading your blog (and everyone else's) through Bloglines these days. As the kids get older and we seem to have more great books to read and more interesting words to write each day (and, er, math...), there's just less time for blogs, sigh. But I am here, just quietly in the background sipping my coffee or tea!

    PS I moved the blog to WordPress. You should be able to find the link attached to my name here.
