
Monday, January 28, 2008

No one is making this stuff up....

No, indeed. That's because it's non-fiction Monday over at Anastasia Suen's Picture Book of the Day blog. Since I spend all my time making things up, it's not clear how often I'll participate other than by reading all about it. But had I not gone to check it out, I'd never have known about Nicola Davies' wonderfully titled What's Eating You? Parasites: The Inside Story.

If you need more than that... well, actually, you'll find it. Go on, now. Scoot.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gregory,

    Thanks for your comments about how useful blogs are to poets. I have received another comment about this. One of my readers informs me that she has taken all her father's poetry, put it in chronological order, and has created a weblog for him. She is going to present this to him on his birthday next week.

    The blog to which you Commented is part of a work-related assignment at the library for which I work. I do, however, have another blog where I post essays, lyrics, poetry, and occasional political rants (but, I promise, I keep those to a minimum), and other musings from The Universe Within. I hope you will visit it sometime:

    It looks the same and uses the same header because after this assignment is finished in Spring, I will take down this work-related blog.

    I, too, am a member of SCBWI. So I am glad to know about about your blog. I will visit it often.
