
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

You don't see that every day....

Well, maybe YOU do, but I don't. And what did I see?

Let me set the scene a bit. It's Hanukkah, and here in LA (and I assume other places) there are folks who drive around with an oversize electric menorah strapped onto the roof of their car/suv/whatever. So, with that in mind, early this morning while driving, I saw parked in a row...

Three identical Mini Cooper's with menorahs atop.

Personally, I don't think you see that every day, either.

By the way, any editor reading this who would like to discuss my story "Manny, the Mini's Menorah Maker" please feel free to email...


  1. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Love the working title. *guffaws*

  2. Seriously? Light-up menorrahs on tops of cars?

  3. Greg, that's what camera phones are for. I would have loved to see that.

  4. Yes, Cat. I'm totally serious. Tons of 'em around these parts. And MR... I was busy DRIVING. I did grab my camera later and go by the same spot, but I think they'd dispersed to spread holiday cheer....
