
Monday, December 10, 2007

On the hunt...

For Manga and graphic novels that reallllly work for an elementary school library. From Johnny Mutton and Baby Mouse on up, I know there's great stuff... but I don't know enough!

I've got the Cybils' lists and a few other online resources, but if any of y'all know a great site, do let me know.

Then, of course, there's the budget issue, but I'll deal with that later. Everyone needs a wish list, right?


  1. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I have no site to offer, but I do have a few titles for you:

    Baby Mouse (obviously)
    To Dance: A Ballerina's Graphic Novel from First Second (I reviewed it a while back)
    Robot Dreams, also from First Second

  2. Good suggestions, Kelly. Here's more, Greg:
    . Bone
    . Astroboy
    . Tintin
    . Lions, Tigers, and Bears
    . Amulet (more middle grade levels, perhaps?)
    . Amelia Rules
    . Baby-Sitters Club
    . Mouse Guard
    . Mail Order Ninja

    First Second, Scholastic, Papercutz all publish kids graphic novels too (not many yet, but the list is growing! Hurray!).

  3. The librarian who took over at my old library, curses the day I ordered Follett bound copies of Spirited Away (graphic novels of the movie) because they get read to death and she has to keep reordering new copies (they are free since they were "Follett Bound.")

  4. As an introduction to conversation bubbles and graphic novels the More's picture book Freckleface Strawberry works well.
