
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Some Fibbing for the holidays....

Well, actually, it's unrelated to the holidays other than by timing, but so what? Isn't that a better headline than "Greg points to Fibs on the web"? Thought so.

But regardless... lookie here -- it's an article about Fibs on the Poetry Foundation website!

A personal thrill for me is that two of my Fibs will enter the Poetry Foundation archive, and, as if that's not cool enough by itself, I will end up right next to Robert Pinsky. OK, sure, it's only an alphabetical twist of fate, but I'll take it. Gladly, in fact!

So one more time, here at Thanksgiving, I must again say thanks to all the bloggers, actuaries, writers, knitters, reporters, mathematicians, bird lovers, and everyone who helped Fibs spread last year... and right on into this year, too.


  1. Great article. Hooray, you!

  2. Anonymous8:15 AM

    SWEET !!!!!!

  3. Anonymous9:23 AM

    So. Cool.

    Let me know how you like hanging out with Robert! ;)

  4. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Kudos to the Father of the Fib !

  5. You deserve it. I love seeing it up there at long last.

    Happy Turkey Day.

  6. Hurray! What a great article. You should know I think of you every time the writer's strike is mentioned. I hope you're hanging in there and doing well.

  7. Great article and congrats on your way-cool accidental-alphabetical neighbor, Pinsky!
