
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Any readaloud ideas for...

... books about strikes and unions? The writers' strike is a bigger local than national story, I'd imagine, but I thought this might be an opportunity to put together a list of good readalouds on the subject.

So far, it's short:

Click Clack Moo by Betsy Lewin
Kid Blink Beats the World by Don Brown (thanks to Chris B.)

What else y'all got for me?


  1. Very topical - Hanukkah, Shmanukkah! by Esme Raji Codell

  2. Anonymous2:13 PM

    There's Freedom Walkers by Russell Freedman, about the bus strikes. Not quite the same thing, however, as it was a conscience strike, not a union strike.

  3. I love Click Clack Moo insanely. (Shout out to Sara for introducing me to that one recently.)

    The title is enough to make me go look up Hanukkah, Shmanukkah! right now! Thanks, everyone, for these book recommendations!!

  4. Hi Greg, good question.
    There's a picturebook on Martin Luther King Jr "My Dream of Martin Luther King" by Faith Ringgold, if you want to go in a civil rights direction. There's also the whole Ghandi Salt strike that Sara wrote about in an article for one of those kid magazines - appleseeds? cobblestones? I don't know if there's a picturebook on him - couldn't find one with a quick search...
    But Click Clack Moo is fantastic, and I can't wait to read Hanukkah, Shmanukkah!
