
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Well, I'll be....

I'm a rather big baseball fan, but I had thought that major league baseball had stopped after the 2004 World Series... since the metaphorical sky had fallen, after all. Imagine my surprise, then, to see my Sox in the World Series again... and sweeping it! Go figure.

There is joy in my Mudville this year, but to all the great fans of other teams... I promise you that "just wait 'til next year" actually can be more than just a slogan. It's just not always easy to believe it!


  1. It doesn't feel quite the same as 2004, but it's still pretty cool, isn't it? I think the curse is really gone.

  2. Aack! Don't say that!!!!! Geez, Jen. That's tempting fate of some sort and you know it!

    And no... not the same as 2004. I only got half as many phone calls tonight....

  3. Anonymous5:52 AM

    I'm not sure what they did to lift that curse, but we could sure use some of that help here in Philadelphia. Even the statue of William (yeah, we call him Billy) Penn put on top of the latest ginormous skyscraper hasn't completely done the trick, although the Phils did win the NL East.

    (Here, the "curse" stems from the breaking of the skyline in downtown Philadelphia, or so the story goes. Tradition required all buildings to be no higher than the brim of Billy Penn's hat (he's on the top of city hall), and no sports team has won a major championship since someone won a lawsuit and broke the skyline. On top of the latest, tallest, building (owned by Comcast), they put a statue of William Penn. Just in case. Yes. We are that superstitious in the Philadelphia area.

  4. Sorry, Greg. I may have gotten carried away by the euphoria. I think that the baseball gods will give a pass for things said within an hour of the final game. I was just telling another friend that the legacy of being a Red Sox fan from before 2004 is that no matter how well things are going, you always have that little voice that says "be careful. Better wear that Red Sox shirt, and eat the same food you've been eating for the rest of the series. Better not say anything arrogant, because you just never know..." I think we'll always have that voice, though I wonder about kids, who won't remember from before 2004...

    Kelly, I wish I could help with your curse. But I don't know the answer... Good luck!
