
Thursday, September 06, 2007

A smattering....

Boy oh boy, there is so much going on out in the kidlitosphere....

Let's start with the fact that Fuse8 is now podcasting at her old site!

Then let's note, shall we, that MotherReader's blog was also acquired on Blogshares, a fact she mentions in this great catch-all post (on which I followed many a great link).

Still not satisfied? What about Greg Trine sitting down and interviewing... Mark Twain!

And finally in this brief trip around the 'sphere, ya'll must check out my carpool buddy Rita's blog and specifically this post... which has a link to the best collection of pictures from the SCBWI Conference that I've seen.

Whew. And that's, as noted, just a smattering....


  1. I think mine was acquired too. Maybe. I can't make heads or tails of it.

  2. Woo hoo! Thanks for sharing all these links!
