
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Well, huh. Now what?

Now that the big shindig is over... now what? I suppose I could get back to normalcy, such as it is, but that's always such a comedown.

Or I could make things last a big longer by linking you to some pictures of the Silver Moon bash at the Conference. Those pics are from Tina Nichols Coury's blog... and she happens to be the winner of the costume contest from the bash (dethroning the Disco Mermaids... though they, too, did themselves proud).

Oh, and I could give a wave to all the new friends and blog readers (and blog readees) I made. Hi, y'all!

There. I feel better. Reality postponed!


  1. Wah...I'm suffering from withdrawal, also. Thanks for the link to the pics. How is it that you and I didn't get a photo together? Not fair.

  2. Greg - great meeting you in LA and CONGRATS on your forthcoming books. Your name was made for childrens books!
    Elizabeth O. Dulemba
