
Thursday, August 02, 2007

My bags are packed. I'm ready to go....

OK, the truth is, I don't have to pack bags for the SCBWI Conference, as I'm a local. I do have a carpool buddy, paper, pens, snacks, and a coffee budget. I won't put those in prioritized order because they're all critical to the enjoyment of the weekend.

One challenge of the Conference is not overspending the book budget. You go in thinking "here's what I'm gonna buy" and then some author blows you away with a speech or session and you think "well, I must have them sign their book!" It's dangerous. But I plan to be brave this year.

Many to meet, many old friends to see, and perhaps even some blogging o' the event like last year. Only time will tell. If I don't see y'all til Monday night, you'll know why....


  1. See you soon!

    If I see Peter, Paul or Mary, I'll let you know.

  2. Hey, there's a Puff the Magic Dragon picture book, so maybe we will see 1/3 of them...

    Can't wait to see ya there!
