
Friday, August 17, 2007

Another Friday... another late link!

Egad! I'm gonna have to start doing Poetry Friday's right after midnight, cuz of late when my Friday's start, they seem to run too fast. But I've been later.

Today, Kelly Fineman collected the Poetry Friday links. I got to meet AND hang out with Kelly (a fellow Cybils judge as well as fellow blogger and poet) at the recent SCBWI fest, so it's with extra enthusiasm that I get to shoo you all over to read her blog. Go on. Shoo. (But don't forget to come back!)


  1. I love Poetry Friday! I just found you while I was poking around looking for other people who make poems for children. Check out my project at I am the illustrator and my father is the haiku writer. All of the proceeds are being donated to the NICU at Lehigh Valley Hospital in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Keep up the great work!!! An visit me blog at

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Oh my, thanks for the shoo, Greg. It was like being a kid in a poetry shop! Great idea, doing the poetry roundup thing...
