
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The 2007 SCBWI Conference, part 3

Sigh. The party...errr, I mean the Conference is over once again. Four exhausting days of sessions, lunches, speeches, and hanging out have passed. I do have one great takeaway thought that I'll write up tomorrow, but what I discovered today is that so many people have done a great job of blogging the Conference (go here to see some of 'em) that I'm not sure how much I can add. There was, as always, a lot of attention given to the fact that children's publishing is a business, pure and simple. You could view that as sad, cold, and negative, but it won't change the reality.

Besides, when you hear the personal stories of authors and artists and the enthusiasm of editors and art directors, it's kinda hard not to feel all warm and fuzzy again.

As usual, it was great to see so many old friends and to make so many new ones. As noted, my favorite "takeaway" comes tomorrow, but I'm also sure that much of what I heard this weekend will percolate inside me for some time now.


  1. I LOVED MEETING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. And likewise, Stephanie. I'm only sorry you weren't with us when we saw Racquel....

  3. Well, it's back to the pumpkin patch.
    Ah, but it was great fun while it lasted, wasn't it?

  4. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Ahem. Excooooze me, Greg. But I think you're forgetting who the "spotter" was and taking all the credit for the Raquel Welch sighting.

    Now, that said...I had such a blast!!!! What a time, what a time.
