
Monday, July 09, 2007

Summer library school

One highlight of vacation is that I've gotten to dive into a huuuuge pile of books set aside for the library at which I have become the default librarian. Some books aren't worth shipping back cross country, but others... it's like the motherlode for a geek like me. As usual, though, I end up reading and skimming and delving into the piles and not making the necessary progress... until i mad-dash go through 'em all and shove in boxes.

Mixed in with the must-haves, there are special books pulled aside for little old me -- the Berenstain's guide to parenting, for example, or more obscure Norton Juster books or.... It's a good time, I must admit but has put a big dent into my plans to accomplish other stuff on the trip. Shocking, I know. What? You're not shocked???? OK, fine. Me neither!

Good vacation times end tomorrow, so odds say the next post will have my usual LA accent. See ya in another time zone soooooon.

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