
Saturday, May 05, 2007

Ooooh. The Summber SCBWI Conference!

Perhaps it's not with the same excitement that Steve Martin greeted the phone books in The Jerk, but I was quite jazzed today to see that the SCBWI summer conference information is up!

As always, the highlights are numerous. Lee Bennett Hopkins is back! Lisa Yee! Linda Sue Park! And... and... AND! I can't go on. Too much. But what's truly exciting is the nice showing from the kidlitosphere. Among those highlights are Kelly, Cynthia, and the Class of 2k7, and... and... and...! This means, hard as it is to believe, that the Conference will likely be even more fun and more blogged than last year.

Will I be seeing you in LA from August 3 to 6? I hope so....


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Hi Greg,

    I heard you talk in Lisa Yee's blog thing last year and meant to introduce myself, but never did. I had been talking with Arthur Levine at an event a bit before that, and your name had come up. I'm antisocial:>/ in big groups and never said hi, though. I've been enjoying your blog, and maybe I'll run into you at this year's conference and actually say something!


  2. We'll be there. But I guess that's a big duh!

    And yes, this year's line-up looks great.

    - Jay

  3. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I'm glad I'll get to meet you in-person. Are you doing the Masterclass with LBH by any chance?

  4. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I'll be there. These conferences are such a blast. Not only do you feel a part of a community, you are reminded why you work so hard at what you do.


  5. Laura -- please do say hello. I've been going to the conference for a few years now and I've NEVER bitten anyone, so I think it's safe! And yay on meeting you, Kelly! Monique -- always fun, but I get to see you a bit more than once a year. And Jay, whether it's a "duh" or not, hanging with the Merfolk is always a highlight.

    I plant the seed now -- bloggers dinner!

  6. I probably won't go this year. But ya'll are making me miss it already.

  7. Nice. This is turning into an RSVP list already--albeit Don's is making me sad.

    Linda Sue Park?? For real?? I get to hear that hero in person at last????

    Actually, I see so many heroes in this year's lineup, I'm almost terrified.



  8. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Dinner? YUM! Good idea.

  9. Don! You must come. Really.

    There, that's settled.

    And yes, Kelly... I'll see you poetically as well as over food.
