
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Link overflow...

So, after the extravaganza of last month, I find the links on the right hand side of my blog looking pretty... well... linky. I mean, there are a LOT of links over there. My blogroll, full of remarkable places everyone should visit, has slid farther down as my links of poems has grown to around 80! Then again, I remember when my blogroll was three or four. Times change.

Still, I'm trying to come up with organizational techniques for those poem links. I do want them all there, since they get a lot of action, so to speak, but there must be more efficient ways to group them. Anyone with thoughts on this, feel free to send 'em my way.

And don't get me started on how many other fantastic blogs there are out there, with new ones popping onto my radar all the time. Today, thanks to Barbara Jean Hicks (out with the wonderfully titled (and living up to it) The Secret Life of Walter Kitty), I learned about the chock full o' info and anecdote Editorial Anonymous -- another must read for us kidlit writer types. Good stuff out there, indeed. If only there were 25 hours in a day, with one hour designated "blog reading time." Someone call Congress and make it so!


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    <<... poem links..... there must be more efficient ways to group them...>>
    Not easy, GK...but those labels you sometimes append to your poems might be a starting point..??...E.G. sports, holidays, food, chocolate...

  2. Being organizational by nature, I was thinking either by poetic style, by subject or by tone (e.g. romantic, humorous). Style might be more useful to other writers, but I think subject or tone would be more useful overall.

    Just a thought from the non-poetic!

  3. I'm not one for advice but I do enjoy your poetry

  4. Hey, Greg:

    Use PB wiki! Check out my review archives over on the right-hand column. It's free and then you just have a few links.
