
Thursday, May 24, 2007

C'est Impossible!

That's what it seems like to me when I realized that there's a whopping three weeks left to the school year... and when I realized that that type of thing has an impact on my life! Gone are the days, I guess, when school was but a distant memory....

So now I ask my fellow librarians/teachers -- any favorite end of the school year read-alouds? Think K through 3, and please hit me with your best shot!


  1. I always read Enemy Pie, by Munson to the 2nd graders. The end of the year has 2nd graders pretty big for their britches, and there is ALWAYS friendship drama going on!

  2. i can still remember when i was in grade school and never thought about my teacher's effort for delivering everyday that im taking a degree in education, i now appreciate the effort of making lesson plans
