
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Only four to go...

Yes, only four more poems to finish off the month of April's "poem a day" extravaganza. I view this with a mix of sadness and relief, I'll admit. One big personal goal for me in doing the public posting was to "force" myself to make more time for poetry writing. This was ultimately successful, but I it was a rocky start! As y'all can likely guess, I love me poetry... but it's not the only writing I do, and it often takes a back seat. This month it started driving again, and it's been a hoot. But coming up with solid poems that I want to share with y'all... well... I don't think I'd want to do that every day in May, too!

Still, while May will bring the return of more typical GottaBook posting... that mix includes Fibbisnhess, Oddaptations, and, you guessed it, poetry! Some things never change, even if they don't happen daily.

Oh, and thanks for coming along for the April ride!

1 comment:

  1. Gregory,

    Since I'm writing this comment on Friday morning, I can say I have just THREE more poems to go this month. Whew! There have been days when I wasn't sure I'd have a poem I wanted to post. I am glad, though, that I decided to follow your lead in posting a poem each day of April. It's made me focus on writing poetry and gotten my creative juices going again.
