
Monday, April 23, 2007

Non-poetically speaking...

It's turned out to be a good thing I've been posting poetry this month, as I've not had much time for much else. Plus, so much has been going on in the kidlitosphere, and I've been soooo behind that I just wanted to share a small sampling....

The Disco Mermaids have their contest winner! Lisa Yee had a contest and I totally missed linking to it. So just read her blog and find it AND be entertained while looking. Elaine is matching me poem for poem in April (and sharing her copious poetry knowledge, too). Cheryl has a great list of poetry quotesto help celebrate the Month. Alan Silberberg posted his cool Pond Scum book trailer. MotherReader has announced the Second Annual 48 Hour Book Challenge!

And finally... Happy Birthday, Fuse!


  1. Hey - Mr. Book
    Thanks for the link -
    But I miss your poem
    (that's what I think!)


  2. Greg,

    Thanks for the mention of my posting a poem a day during the month of April at Wild Rose reader--but I never would have thought of of the idea on my own. I'm just following in your footsteps!

  3. Aw. Thanks for the birthday wishes, Greg.
