
Friday, April 20, 2007

I've Turned Magnetic -- a science poem

Gregory K.

I wish I could've turned athletic,
But just my luck... I've turned magnetic.
Paper clips fly up to greet me.
Nails, it seems, can't wait to meet me.
I'm sticking to the baby's stroller.
Look at me, I'm so bi-polar.
I make the TV super active.
At least the spoons find me attractive.
The phone's for me? What's that you say?
Why don't I come out to play?
I think I'll have to join you later...
I'm stuck on our refrigerator.

(I'm posting an original poem-a-day through April in celebration of National Poetry Month. Links to this and other poems here on GottaBook (and there are lots of others, because poetry is NOT just for April) are collected over on the right of the blog under the headline "The Poems".)

If you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Funny stuff, Greg. I posted about you poetry today over at the Melvin site.

    the other Greg

  2. Very cute, Greg! Stay away from MotherReader's post today. It could be dangerous :)

  3. Oh, I love this one!

  4. thanks for the fun

  5. Thanks, Greg T. A shout out from Melvin Beederman's site is a superheroic shout out, indeed. And thanks, too, Kelly, Nancy, and Suzanne. It's fun for me that y'all come on by....

  6. Greg, very talented. I couldn't think of a poem to write everyday.

  7. I betcha could, Don. Or why not do a painting a day like my fellow Angelino Marisa (and many others, too)?

    Frankly, some days it's enough to do "cup of coffee a day"....

  8. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Greg, Very fun. I had a student go wild over fibonacci poems. She used a by the word format instead of syllables but it was all she worte.

  9. Great poem! If it's alright, I'm going to feature your poem on my kid's science website; along with some magnetic factoids. I will link back to your page. "A little sugar makes the medicine go down better". Keep writing science poems!

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