
Saturday, March 03, 2007

You can hear me now....

The Blog Squad is gonna get me out of my low-tech doldrums. No, it's not a podcast, and yes, it's talking about the teleseminar I'm doing with them, but still, it's me, I tell ya! (Thanks, Mom, cuz I know you'll click through! Right????)

Me on your speakers!

And hey, speaking of hearing, I got to hear Susan Patron, Doug Cooney, Julie Mammano, and Susan Goldman Rubin speak (and read) this morning. Great fun. More on that later, I hope, but now I gotta book.


  1. Speaking of hearing

    That was excellent--hearing your voice in my office. :)

    Can't wait to hear where you heard those other luminaries speak!

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Check it out, Greg:

    I can't stop posting about you...ah...choo!
