
Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's the cheese.

Since I'm gearing up for the poem-a-day madness of April, I'm skipping the last Poetry Friday in March, at least in terms of posting something new (or something by someone else that's wicked great and will make my April offerings pale!).

So what do I offer today on regular old Thursday? What about the poetry of... cheese.

OK, it's not written poetry. It's really kinda mental poetry. Or maybe it's...
Oh, it's cheddarvision is what it is.

Today, there was going to be action there, per the New York Times. I missed it. Did anyone catch it?

I have decided that to keep the cheese looking so good on camera, someone is off to the side saying "say 'person!'" to it over and over. Regardless, once again I find myself saying "boy, I love the internet!"


  1. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Speaking of cheese . . . did you know that John Cleese owns about 8 cats and that all of 'em are named after cheese? I had the pleasure of meeting Roquefort. He didn't chat much, as he was feelin' kinda bleu. (Okay, all together now: GROAN!)

    This is just my way of saying: Love your blog, Greg. Love your fibs. And I'm looking forward to your one-good-poem-a-day in April. (I promo-ed it on my blog: http;// Lee Wardlaw

  2. Good news - you can see the action from yesterdays (29/03/2007) grading on the new time-lapse video on YouTube!

    (The CheddarVision team)

  3. Gregory,

    I am waiting with anticipation for April--and looking forward to 30 original poems.

    A poem a day
    Keeps the prose at bay!
