
Friday, March 09, 2007

A Cuckoo Story -- a clock poem

Aha! I'm an early participant in Poetry Friday this week. Or early in my time zone, anyway. So, with no further ado (and really, I'm not sure there was any ado at all), here's my contribution....

Gregory K.

Our cuckoo bird has flown away,
I guess to join his flock.
So now up there upon our wall,
We have an emu clock.

(for your procrastinatory pleasure, links to this and other poems here on GottaBook are collected to the right under the headline "The Poems".)

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  1. Oh my, Greg. And I thought I was up early at 5:00 this morning. You do get the worm today. Okay, here's my attempt at cuckoo poetry (which definitely has a dual meaning, in my case).

    In the day of dinosaurs,
    there were no cuckoo clocks.
    Just pterodactyls swooping down
    with loud tremendous squawks.

  2. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I've been listening (repeatedly) to an old, old song called "Sumer is icumen in", which features a "sing cuckoo!" chorus.

    Now I shall have to find an emu song to replace it, I suppose.

  3. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Funny poem, Mr. Gregory K.

  4. Well at least it's not an EMO CLOCK. That would really be annoying.

  5. True, Nancy. But then maybe there'd be a reason to buy this shirt. Kinda. Sorta. Oh, it's just a funny shirt anyway.

  6. Yep, I love that shirt! :)

  7. You could give Shel Silverstein a run for his money with that poem. And that's saying something!
